Evaluation and Monitoring of Financial Education


MIFE-Jahreskonferenz and Early Career Workshop 2024

With the global rise of financial education, evaluating its impact and effectiveness is crucial. In Germany, as in other countries, numerous financial education programs are offered by various stakeholders, yet there is little knowledge about whether, how, and why these programs achieve their intended effects. Innovative evaluation concepts and a reliable data base are needed to address these questions, as well as to assess the effectiveness of the national financial education strategy.

Join us at the 4th Annual MIFE Conference on 18 November 2024, in Mannheim, where high-ranking representatives from academia, policy, and practice will discuss “Evaluation and Monitoring of Financial Education”. Both onsite and online participation are available. For more information on the conference, please visit the MIFE webpage.

We are also pleased to host the interdisciplinary MIFE Early Career Workshop on 19 and 20 November 2024. This workshop invites early career researchers to present their papers and engage with peers from fields such as economics, household finance, business education, psychology, and related disciplines. Submitted papers will be considered for the prestigious Early Career Research Prize on Financial Literacy, sponsored by Deutsche Bundesbank, with up to two awards of 2500 Euro each.

More information on the workshop


ZEW Mannheim and Online

Call for Papers

Early Career Workshop 2024



Andrea Grifoni

Andrea Grifoni // Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, France

Carlo Di Chiacchio

Carlo Di Chiacchio // INVAlSI (National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System)



ZEW Mannheim and Online


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L7, 1, 68161 Mannheim

Additional Information

The Future of Financial Education: Aiming for Effectivity, Sustainability, and Inclusion

20.11.2023 – 22.11.2023 More about the event