Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. Refereed Journal // forthcoming

    Birth Cohort Size Variation and the Estimation of Class Size Effects

    We show that in school systems with grade retention or redshirting birth cohort size is negatively related to the grade-level share of students who are too old for their grade. This compositional effect gives…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2025

    Computers as Stepping Stones? Technological Change and Equality of Labor Market Opportunities

    This  paper  analyzes  whether  technological  change  improves  equality  of  labormarket opportunities by increasing the returns to skills relative to the returns toparental background.  We find that in…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-027 // 2024

    Are We Yet Sick of New Technologies? The Unequal Health Effects of Digitalization

    This study quantifies the relationship between workplace digitalization, i.e., the increasing use of frontier technologies, and workers’ health outcomes using novel and representative German linked…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-044 // 2024

    Expertise at Work: New Technologies, New Skills, and Worker Impacts

    We study how new digital technology reshapes vocational training and skill acquisition and its impact on workers’ careers. We construct a novel database of legally binding training curricula and changes therein,…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Long-run consequences of informal elderly care and implications of public long-term care insurance

    We estimate a dynamic structural model of labor supply, retirement, and informal caregiving to study short and long-term costs of informal caregiving in Germany. Incorporating labor market frictions and the…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-035 // 2024

    Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament

    We study how connections to German federal parliamentarians affect firm dynamics by constructing a novel dataset to measure connections between politicians and the universe of firms. To identify the causal…