Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 06.05.2003

    Biotechnology: Shortage of Venture Capital Endangers Entrepreneurship

    Biotechnology is key in the 21st century. The fact that it is now harder for new biotechnology firms to establish themselves in Germany than it was several years ago, is therefore quite justifiably a cause for…
  2. Research // 05.05.2003

    Banks and Insurers: Targets for Raiders

    The enormous share price losses seen in the last 18 months have jeopardised many listed companies in Germany. Their shares can currently be bought up at very low prices.
  3. Research // 24.04.2003

    Service Providers in the Information Industry: Businesses Wish to Invest Less in Training

    Service providers in the information industry expect the prospects of trainees in this sector to worsen as a result of poor economic conditions. Despite the newly implemented governmental programme which aims…
  4. Research // 23.04.2003

    Dismal Prospects for German IT-Related Service Providers

    The annual rate of growth in turnover in the German IT-related services sector declined to 1.7 percent in the first quarter of 2003 from 2.1 percent in the previous quarter. The poor economic development in…
  5. Research // 22.04.2003

    Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Falling Innovation Budgets Impede Cost Reductions

    Unlike large firms, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) continue to spend ever decreasing amounts on the development of new products and services, as well as on rationalisation measures. Following a rise…
  6. Research // 15.04.2003

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Positive Trend After the Capture of Baghdad

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany increased slightly by +0.7 points compared with the previous month's result and now stands at +18.4 points versus +17.7 points in March. However, separate…
  7. Research // 08.04.2003

    Innovation Survey 2002: Innovative Power of the German Export Economy Curbed by Consistently Weak Demand

    According to German companies, 2002 shall be characterised by declining innovation budgets. Companies in the manufacturing industry, for example, expect innovation spending to fall from 60.6 billion euro in…
  8. Research // 07.04.2003

    Study of the Performance of Sustainable Capital Investments

    Capital investments which focus not only on the level of returns, but also on the "sustainability" of an investment product, are becoming increasingly popular. To cater to this trend, more and more investment…
  9. Research // 18.03.2003

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for March: Cautious Optimism

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany increased to +17.7 points in March. This corresponds to a rise of +2.7 points compared with the previous month. The indicator thus signals cautious optimism…
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