In the coming six months, transport volumes will remain broadly stable in the German transport sector, thereby leaving a relatively small margin for price increases in this period of time. In most transport…
Appropriately equipped workplaces, reduced working hours and performance requirements, mixed-age work teams, general training, specific training as well as part-time work for older employees: these are some of…
In the last 15 years, some 600 patent infringement litigations were heard in Germany each year. This is the highest number in Europe, and it is largely due to the combination of relatively low costs and quick,…
In a ceremony at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim, long-standing ZEW President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz left office today. Prof. Dr. Clemens Fuest was inaugurated as…
In February 2013 economic expectations for Central and Eastern Europe including Turkey (CEE) have increased for the third time in a row. The ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for the CEE region…
Economic expectations for Switzerland have climbed from their January reading of minus 6.9 points to a level of 10.0 points in February 2013. The ZEW-CS Indicator reaches its highest value since June 2010 due…
In 2011 the innovation expenditures of German companies increased by 9.2 per cent and reached a new all-time high of 131.9 billion euros. It was the larger companies which accounted for the major part of the…