Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 02.02.2015

    Carbon-Neutral Travelling Is Conquering Long-Distance Coach Market

    Carbon-neutral travelling is becoming more and more important for providers on the young German long-distance coach market. In addition to low prices, providers are increasingly trying to attract customers with…
  2. Research // 29.01.2015

    ZEW-PwC China Economic Barometer Q1 2015 - German Managers Little Satisfied With Chinese Measures Against Cyber-Crime

    Only one out of ten German managers in China thinks that Chinese laws and institutional structures protect their companies against cyber-attacks. About 60 per cent of the executives in China believe that…
  3. Research // 23.01.2015

    ZEW Innovation Survey - German Enterprises Hit a Record in Innovation Expenditure

    The German economy continues to invest heavily in innovation. In 2013, EUR 144.6 billion were spent on the development and implementation of new products and processes. This is the largest sum ever spent in a…