Departing from communism, East Germany witnessed history’s most extensive privatization program. While the program sparked global interest as a blueprint for economic transformation, its effectiveness remains…
Productivity growth in the advanced economies has been slowing down for some time. This is surprising insofar as large-scale technological impulses are expected as a result of the digital revolution. An analysis…
Smoking bans have been widely implemented, despite mixed evidence on their effectiveness in reducing smoking prevalence. This paper provides novel insights into the dynamic impacts of smoking bans in the context…
This paper shows that angel investor grants encourage new investors to enter the risk finance market, where they syndicate investments with other investors. We argue that this results from the high cost of…
This paper analyzes whether technological change improves equality of labormarket opportunities by increasing the returns to skills relative to the returns toparental background. We find that in…
We study a policy introducing diagnosis related payment for inpatient mental health care in Germany with rates decreasing over length of stay. Using data on all hospital cases, we first examine which hospitals…