ZEW Discussion Papers


Researchers at the ZEW participate in scientific debates by publishing their papers. The papers are predominantly in English (marked). For the German papers an English abstract is available. The contributions are intended for a final publication in special interest titles. The discussion papers can be downloaded as PDF or PostScript files starting from 1.1.1998. They aimed at national and international target groups.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-029 // 2018

    Unemployment and Social Exclusion

    This paper analyzes the economic and social consequences of job loss which contribute to exclusion from society based on German linked survey and administrative data. To study the causal relationship between…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-028 // 2018

    Gender, Informal Employment and Trade Liberalization in Mexico

    We study how trade liberalization affects formal employment across gender. We propose a theoretical mechanism to explain how male and female formal employment shares can respond differently to trade…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-027 // 2018

    Subnational Border Reforms and Economic Development in Africa

    Arbitrarily designed borders have been identified by a recent literature as an important reason why sub-Saharan Africa remains one of the poorest regions on the globe. Accordingly, border changes may be a way to…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-026 // 2018

    Bausteine für einen sektorenübergreifenden institutionellen Ordnungsrahmen für die Digitale Wirtschaft

    Digitalisierung und Vernetzung der Wirtschaft verfügen über immense gesamtwirtschaftliche Wachstumspotenziale. Sie sind gleichwohl keine Selbstläufer. Ihnen sind erhebliche externe Effekte immanent, die dazu…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-025 // 2018

    Gap-Filling Government Debt Maturity Choice

    Do governments strategically choose debt maturity to fill supply gaps across maturities? Building on a new panel data set of more than 9,000 individual Eurozone government debt issues between 1999 and…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-024 // 2018

    The Effects of Uncertainty on Market Liquidity: Evidence from Hurricane Sandy

    We test the effects of uncertainty on market liquidity using Hurricane Sandy as a natural experiment. Given the unprecedented strength, scale and nature of the storm, the potential damages of a landfall…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-023 // 2018

    Unemployment and Online Labor

    We analyze the relationship between unemployment and the supply of online labor for microtasking. Using detailed US data from a large microtasking platform between 2011 and 2015, we study the participation and…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-022 // 2018

    The Distribution of Material Footprints in Germany

    This study investigates the within-country heterogeneity of material footprints implied by households' consumption in Germany. Material footprints are defined as the amount of biomass, minerals, and fossil fuels…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-021 // 2018

    Inequality of Educational Opportunities and the Role of Learning Intensity: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Germany

    Over the 2000s, many federal states in Germany shortened the duration of secondary school by one year while keeping the curriculum unchanged. Exploiting quasi-experimental variation due to the staggered…

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Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Information and Knowledge Management, Sales Email kerstin.heres@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-130
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