Research and development (R&D) collaborations allow firms to combine their resources, exploit complementary know-how and internalize R&D externalities. Hence, R&D collaborations may spur innovation activities in…
It has almost become conventional wisdom that the viability of modern open science norms and practices depends on public disclosure of new knowledge, methods, and materials. At the same time, long-run trends…
Mortality rates among prime-age adults are dramatically high in many sub-Saharan African countries, and, as a consequence, the number of orphaned children is high and increasing. In this paper, we identify the…
The impact of environmental innovations on firm performance is ambiguous. On the one hand, regulatory-driven environmental innovation may impose additional costs to firms and lower their profits. On the other…
Recent research in economics reveals a substantial impact of personality traits or noncognitive skills on outcomes related to educational and labor market success. A virtue of these noncognitive skills compared…
Based on a dataset with 1,417 family and 1,195 non-family businesses in Germany, we find that family businesses rely more heavily than other enterprises on short term credit in order to finance long term…
In recent decades, changes in parents’ attitudes towards the importance of spending time with children to optimise their development have greatly affected patterns of time allocation among both working and…
It is a well-known fact that start-ups, in particular in innovative and technology-oriented sectors, are vital for the economic competitiveness and performance. The decision to found a new company is based on…