Hopes in the 2015 Paris Agreement are high that global warming will be limited to the two-degree target agreed on by the various signatory states. To this end, substantial climate protection contributions are…
German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI Report)
Voters dealing with jurisdictional merger decisions face a trade-off between economies of scale and preference costs. Larger jurisdictions may offer cost advantages, yet the downside is that policies in larger…
I study a case of market sharing agreements to provide evidence of coordination between colluding firms on the degree to which they compete against each other (henceforth referred to as head-to-head competition)…
We assess the influence of moneyed interests on legislative decisions. Our theory predicts that the vote outcome distribution and donation flows in a legislature feature a discontinuity at the approval threshold…
In this paper we investigate behavioral constraints to savings among smallholder farmers in rural Ethiopia. Increasing savings by overcoming such behavioral constraints has been documented to have positive…
Although numerous euro area reforms have been carried out in the last decade, fostering economic crisis resilience and convergence among Member States remains high on the agenda. This policy brief draws on…