1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Job Creation Schemes in Turbulent Times

    This paper analyzes the impact of job creation schemes (JCS) on job search outcomes in the context of the turbulent East German labor market in the aftermath of the German reunification. High job destruction…

  2. ZEW Newsletter // 2016


    1. News
    2. Call for Papers
      • Third Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market
      • Interdisciplinary Conference on Flexible Work in the Digital Age
    3. Personalia
      • Committees
      • Guests at ZEW
    4. Press…
  3. Expertises // 2016

    Analyse der Unterbrechungen der Stromversorgung nach § 19 Abs. 2 StromGVV

    Das Problem der Unterbrechungen der Stromversorgung nach §19 StromGVV hat in den vergangenen Jahren erhebliche öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit erfahren und Rufe nach Maßnahmen zur Minderung von Stromsperren wurden…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-078 // 2016

    The Contribution of Different Public Innovation Funding Programs to SMEs’ Export Performance

    This paper studies the effects of different public innovation funding programs on the innovation output and export performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We evaluate the effectiveness of…

  5. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Capital Shortfalls of European Banks since the Start of the Banking Union

    Since the start of the Banking Union in November 2014, European banks lost nearly half their market capitalization. Important risks in bank balance sheets are still unaccounted for requiring an even larger…

  6. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Introducing the “Leverage Ratio” in Assessing the Capital Adequacy of European Banks

    The European Banking Authority (EBA) disclosed the effect of losses in a stress test on bank capital ratios on 29 July 2016. We assess the capital adequacy of these banks based on these disclosures and using two…

  7. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    High time to tell European banks: No dividends

    In October 2014, the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Central Bank did a comprehensive assessment of the balance sheets of the largest 123 banks in the Eurozone. They calculated a capital…

  8. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    The Wolves of Wall Street: Managerial Attributes and Bank Business Models

    We investigate the role of executive-specific attributes in explaining bank business models beyond pay-per-performance incentives. We decompose the variation in business models and show that idiosyncratic…