Union density in Germany has declined remarkably during the last two decades. We estimate socio-economic and workplace-related determinants of union membership in East and West Germany using data from the German…
ZEW-Schriftenreihe Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie
Short-term training measures are the most important intervention of German active labor market policy in terms of persons promoted. However, evidence on the impacts of programs is missing. This study analyzes…
This paper advocates the cautious and constitutional evolution of existing basic income schemes ("unemployment benefit II") and Targeted Negative Income Tax (TNIT = "Einstiegsgeld") into a means-tested…
In this paper we empirically test whether public R&D subsidies crowd out private R&D investment in Flanders and Germany, using firm level data from the Flemish and German part of the Community Innovation survey…
By examining the destination choice patterns of heterogenous labor, this paper tries to explain the skill composition of internal job matching flows in Germany. Estimates from a nested logit model of destination…
Wir führen ein Regionenmatching durch, welches für alle Kreise in Deutschland die nächsten Nachbarn bestimmt, die ähnliche regionale Rahmenbedingungen für die Länge individueller Arbeitslosigkeitsphasen der SGB…
It is not only the great number of papers written on environmental economics that make it worth dealing with this special branch of experimental research. Rather, the environmental problem in all its facets…