The rapid diffusion of open source software (OSS), the significant investments observed in OSS projects, and the new inter-firm collaborative possibilities enabled by such OSS projects have generated a…
During past decades, services gained more and more importance as inputs into the production process of firms, not only in service sectors, but also in manufacturing industries. Additionally, firms nowadays…
When academic spin-offs are compared with other research- and knowledge-intensive start-ups, it is apparent that spin-offs are significantly more research- and knowledge-oriented than other start-ups. This fact…
Establishing a new firm is a complex process which comprises many tasks. A common assumption in the theoretical literature on entrepreneurship is therefore that interdisciplinarity is important for successfully…
Die Mediendienstleistungen umfassen Druckereien und Verlage sowie die Filmindustrie (inkl. Kinos) und den Rundfunk. Die Branche sieht sich auch 2008 wie seit vielen Jahren dem…
2008 war für die Finanzdienstleistungen kein gutes Jahr. Die Folgen der Subprime-Krise und die hieraus erwachsene globale Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise verschlechterten die…