Technologically motivated firm acquisitions often fail in the sense that post-merger innovation performance declines. One reason has been identified as a temporary shift of managerial attention towards the firm…
It is widely agreed in the literature that environmental innovation is not only determined by market pull and technology push factors but also depends on regulatory incentives. There is an ongoing debate on how…
Temporary Extra Jobs provide subsidized employment for welfare recipients and are the most frequently used welfare-to-work program in Germany. We evaluate the effects of participation in this program on the…
German family policy underwent a reform in 2007, when the new instrument of "Elterngeld" replaced the previous "Erziehungsgeld". The transfer programs differ in various dimensions. We study the effects on the…
The empirical term structure literature shows that long-term interest rates are not merely a combination of expected short-term interest rates and a constant risk premium, as the so-called Expectation Hypothesis…
This paper examines the scope and value of targeted advertising in the German magazine industry. We use data on reader characteristics at individual media, in contrast to previous work that has needed to infer…