Expected Utility (EU) theory is not only applied to individual choices but also to ethical decisions, e.g. in cost-bene t analysis of climate change policy measures that a ect future generations. In this context…
Large differences in the unemployment rates of industrialized countries and the underlying causes of unemployment have been subject of recurring discussion for a long time. Since the early 90's, labor and…
Publicly funded day care for children under the age of 3 is used less frequently in Germany compared to other (especially Nordic) countries. Supply of day care is still scarce for this age group. In order to…
The efficient usage of modern ICT strategies requires an efficient broadband infrastructure. The European Commission (EU 2020-strategy) therefore demands, as does the German Federal Government (broadband…
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the cost pass-through potential, i.e. the ability of firms in German industrial sectors participating in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to adjust output prices…
Global warming, the pollution of the seas or a continuously increasing noise level are just a few examples of environmental issues that have alerted the global public in recent years. As a consequence, more and…
The present paper studies the importance of employer-specific determinants in escaping low earnings in Germany. In our empirical analysis, we draw particular attention to the role of employer size and the nature…