The European Union´s economic policy objectives can be summarizes below the headings of "Lisbon" and "Maastricht". While the Lisbon objectives are related to the increase of potential growth in Europe, the…
The project "public debt monitor" aims at a regular monitoring of fiscal sustainability in Germany, both at the state level (including social security) and the federal level (including municipalities). Using a…
The EU enlargement with ten new Member States considerably widens the Internal Market and opens it to participants with very different levels of economic development. In this context, this study analyses the…
The falling labour input is among the factors responsible fort the low German growth path lagging behind the growth experience in many other industrial countries. It is the objective of this project to look into…
In Germany and other EU countries it occurs that reforms which are regarded by many experts as wealth augmenting are not necessarily accepted by voters.The project looks into these phenomena of reform resistance…
In its study from 2001 the European Commission highlighted the main tax obstacles to cross border business activities in the European Union which hamper companies from exploiting the full benefits of the…
stakeholders in the sectors with a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the sectoral innovation performance and challenges across the EU25 states. The fundamental question is to what extend and why…
The concept of potential output plays an important role in economic analysis as well as in economic policy discussions. Defined as the productive capacity that would be feasible under full utilization of all…
The taxation of companies operating in more than one Member State in the European Union is undergoing a transformation. The scope of prevalent group taxation regimes in the Member States is currently still largely…