Projects of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.05.2005 – 28.02.2006

    Analysis of Selected Aspects Concerning Public Revenue and Expenditure, and Extrabudgetary Funds and Implicit Liabilities in the New Member Countries

    The principles of budgetary completeness and transparency are indispensable elements of fiscal surveillance in the European Union. Within this context, this study deals with the leading question to which extent…

  2. Project // 01.01.2005 – 31.08.2007

    Network Growth and Business Cycle Analyses

    Although at the ZEW microeconomic and microeconometric research approaches are dominant, each research department at the ZEW always takes the macroeconomic environment into account as well. “Analysis of Growth and…

  3. Project // 01.01.2005 – 30.06.2007

    Determinants of Reform Capability in Europe

    Countries react with very different speed to changes in their economic environment caused by globalisation and demographic change. In particular, the big countries of the Euro zone appear to be slow in adjusting…

  4. Project // 01.12.2004 – 30.04.2005

    Evaluation of reform options for the EU financial framework 2007-2013

    The negotiations on the new financial framework for the EU 2007-2013 are burdened with large differences in national interests. On the one hand the EU entry of countries with substantial economic backwardness puts…

  5. Project // 01.10.2004 – 31.12.2005

    Tax Accounting in Europe

  6. Project // 01.07.2004 – 30.11.2005

    Public Debt Monitor: Coverage of Public Debt in Germany

    The project "public debt monitor" aims at a regular monitoring of fiscal sustainability in Germany, both at the state level (including social security) and the federal level (including municipalities).Using a…

  7. Project // 01.07.2004 – 31.12.2005

    Measuring the Tax Burden on International Assignments

    The minimisation of the tax burden of expatriates is a fundamental part of a companys planning of international assignments. In several countries, expatriates are subject to special tax privileges which intent on…

  8. Project // 16.06. – 16.08.2004

    Tax accounting rules for self-developed intangibles in the EU member states, Canada and the United States of America

    There are many differences in the tax accounting rules applied by the member states of the European Union. However, with reference to self-developed intangibles there has been no major study conducted so far.…