Projects of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.01. – 31.08.2018

    Comparison of the Change in the Effective Tax Burden of Corporations Across EU Member States Based on a Model-Firm Approach (Tax Analyzer Model)

    Increasingly globalised, mobile and digital business models and corporate structures have enhanced the scope for corporate tax planning activities and continue to challenge the uncoordinated coexistence of …

  2. Project // 01.01. – 31.12.2018

    Structural Reform in Germany, 2013-2017

    This study aims to identify structural reforms in Germany in the period 2013 to 2017, including their origins, intended impact, and actual impact to date, as well as remaining reform needs. Structural reforms…

  3. Project // 31.12.2017 – 30.06.2022

    Fiscal Institutions and Reform Preferences

    The project examines policy makers' preferences for public finance reforms as part of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 884 "Political Economy of Reforms" ( The project will…

  4. Project // 01.12.2017 – 31.03.2018

    How Europe can deliver - Dissemination

    In a previous project a study on the optimal division of competences between the EU and its member states („How Europe can deliver“) was written.   Within this project, for the purpose of communicating…

  5. Project // 01.12.2017 – 31.05.2019

    The German Real Estate Transfer Tax and Local Government Revenues

    This project aims at studying the effects of the real estate transfer tax in Germany on the municipalities' budgets. In 2006, the reform of fiscal federalism shifted the tax-setting authority over the real…

  6. Project // 01.12.2017 – 30.06.2018

    Strategies to Encourage European Identity

    Despite the great achievements for peace and economic prosperity, the European project has recently been challenged with public support being on decline in many member states. If national identity remains strong…

  7. Project // 01.10.2017 – 30.04.2018

    Benchmark Study: Tax Attractiveness for Digital Business Models – Update 2018

    The digitalization of the economy is considered the most important development since the industrial revolution. The economic locational factors for digital business models are thus of high relevance for policy…

  8. Project // 01.10.2017 – 31.12.2018

    Software Infrastructure for Behavioral Experiments and Automated Internet Data Collections

    This projects aims at the further development of IT infrastructure at the ZEW towards internet related requirements and research projects. Tools are to be improved, which enable ZEW Researchers at low variable…

  9. Project // 01.09.2017 – 31.08.2018

    Research Support of the Independent Advisory Board of the German Stability Council 2018

    ZEW researchers provided research support to the independent advisory board of the German stability council. They assist the council organizationally and contentwise with the preparation of its biannual…