Projects of the Research Unit Digital Economy

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.09.2005 – 29.02.2008

    Internationalisation of the IT-related services sector

    The focus of the research project INTERDIG was on the internationalisation of the IT-related services sector, especially of IT service providers and software firms in Germany. The aim was to develop concrete…

  2. Project // 01.09.2005 – 31.03.2007

    IT-Outsourcing, competitiveness and employment: Analyses based on firm-level data

    During the last decades, enterprises in industrialised countries have increasingly outsourced parts of their value chain to external suppliers. This development is particularly pronounced in the field of IT…

  3. Project // 01.09.2005 – 31.08.2008

    Corporate Governance and Structures of Qualification in Higher Education

    This project examined aspects related to the transformation of the German college sector towards more competition. The project had two phases. In the first phase the differences in graduate school programmes were…

  4. Project // 01.07. – 31.12.2005

    Demographical Challenges on the Personnel Policy of an Enterprise in the Healthcare Industry

    Our client is interested in an assessment of the demographical problems in its specific labour market and an analysis of the different problem solving possibilities. Especially the age structure of the employees,…

  5. Project // 01.03.2005 – 28.02.2007

    Regional versus individual aspects of the digital divide: An empirical analysis for Baden-Wuerttemberg

    In recent years, information and communication technologies (ICT) have diffused rapidly in both economy and private life. A differentiated look at the tendencies of the ICT diffusion shows that not all population…

  6. Project // 01.01. – 31.03.2005

    The Permanent Establishment Definition in the Age of ICT

    The increased use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within companies is leading to several changes within the organizational structures. Since the process of producing goods and services is often…

  7. Project // 01.01.2005 – 31.03.2009

    FAZIT Research Project for Current and Future-Oriented IT and Media Technologies and their Use in Baden-Württemberg

    The project FAZIT analysed current and future developments of the IT and media sector in the state of Baden-Württemberg as well as the significance of IT and media technologies for economy and society for the time…

  8. Project // 01.10.2004 – 31.08.2005

    ICT use, reorganisation and innovation capabilities of firms

    The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has brought about substantial changes within enterprises and work environment. For example, results from a ZEW survey on the diffusion of ICT reveal…

  9. Project // 01.10.2004 – 28.02.2006

    ICT and firm performance

    The aim of the project is to extend previous research on the effects of ICT use on firm performance by various aspects, and to gain additional insights into the effects particularly of recent ICT applications. The…