Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. ZEW policy brief No. 24-20 // 2024

    Klimakonferenz in Baku: Mehr Reziprozität in der internationalen Klimapolitik

    Das Pariser Klimaabkommen sieht vor, die globale Erderwärmung auf unter 2°C gegenüber dem vorindustriellen Niveau zu begrenzen. Eine Herausforderung, deren Erfolg von der internationalen Kooperation der…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-065 // 2024

    More Frequent Commitments Promote Cooperation, Ratcheting Does Not

    International climate negotiations have so far failed to produce ambitious climate cooperation. We combine laboratory experiments with simulations to investigate the performance of two negotiation design…

  3. ZEW Monthly // 2024

    10/2024 – Transport

    Sales struggles for electric vehicles, the planned “combustion engine ban” from 2035, Deutsche Bahn’s reliability, and the debate over air taxis: transport is front and centre in our daily lives and the media.…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-064 // 2024

    Regulated Correlations — Climate Policy and Investment Risks

    Investments in energy technologies are substantially governed by climate policy. We demonstrate analytically that price-based instruments, such as carbon-taxes, and quantity-based regulations, like emission…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-061 // 2024

    Assessing the Costs of Industrial Decarbonization

    Companies in various industries are under growing pressure to assess the costs of decarbonizing their operations. This paper develops a generic abatement cost concept to identify the cost-efficient combination…

  6. Expertises // 2024

    CBAM Challenges and Opportunities: A Case Study of the Brazilian Fertiliser Sector

    Carbon pricing is one of the most effective instruments available to guide economies toward low-emission trajectories. Despite the increased introduction of this instrument, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)…