Projects of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2016

    National Educational Panel Study - NEPS (Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories)

    In this project we support the development of specific questions which will be included in the questionnaire of the "National Education Panel Study" (NEPS). The focus of these questions is on topics which are key…

  2. Project // 01.12.2013 – 30.08.2014

    A Survey of Youth Unemployment in Europe

    In the context of the worrying development of youth unemployment in the European Union, the project aims to describe and compare the development of the labour market perspectives for persons under 25 over the last…

  3. Project // 01.11.2013 – 30.11.2014

    SEEK-Project 2013: A New International Division of Labour – Adjustments in European Regions

    The increasing international integration of labour markets can no longer be sufficiently described along industry sectors or skill categories based on educational achievements. Instead, technological innovations…

  4. Project // 01.08.2013 – 30.11.2014

    Individual and Firm Determinants of Human Resources Practices in German Establishments

    The project aims to strengthen competencies of the Personnel Economics research area in analyzing multi-dimensional linked employer-employee data. It builds on two novel longitudinal matched employer-employee…

  5. Project // 01.07. – 15.11.2013

    Preliminary research for the second evaluation round "Minimum Wages" – improvement and extension of evaluation methods

    Starting from the first evaluation of sector-specific minimum wages that had been initiated by the Federal Ministry of Labour in 2010, the aim of the project is to examine alternative methods for the evaluation of…

  6. Project // 01.04.2013 – 30.09.2014

    SEEK-Project 2013: Labour Market Adjustments in Response to Fundamental Technological Innovations

    The economic literature widely recognizes that innovation and investments in new technologies constitute cornerstones for the performance of competitive companies and national economic growth. Innovation and…

  7. Project // 01.04.2013 – 30.09.2014

    SEEK-Project 2013: Can Task-Biased Technological Change Explain Changes In Regional Labor Market Disparities?

    The objective of this research project is to gain a deeper understanding of how technological progress contributes to changes in labour market disparities between European regions. The key idea is that different…

  8. Project // 01.04.2013 – 30.09.2014

    SEEK-Project 2013: The Effects of Family Policy on Education, Labour Supply, and Fertility Decisions

    Female labour force participation and fertility rates have been very low in Germany, particularly among women with a university degree. Long career breaks and their high opportunity costs may explain both facts.…

  9. Project // 01.01.2013 – 31.03.2015

    Research Project "Duales Orientierungspraktikum - Transition Processes"

    The programm "Duales Orientierungspraktikum–Studienorientierung schaffen" (abbreviated with DOP) intends to help students in secondary schools in Nordhrhein-Westfalia to improve the match between their competences…