Publications of the Research Unit Market Design

  1. ZEW policy brief No. 22-06 // 2022

    Price Subsidies May Impair Competition in Retail Market for Natural Gas

    Policymakers have been discussing various potential measures to cushion the impact of skyrocketing gas prices and prevent supply shortages. On 10 October 2022 an expert commission in Germany proposed a plan to…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-050 // 2022

    Willingness to Volunteer Among Remote Workers Is Insensitive to the Team Size

    Volunteering is a widespread allocation mechanism in the workplace. It emerges naturally in software development or the generation of online knowledge platforms. Using a field experiment with more than 2000…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-048 // 2022

    Performance Feedback and Job Search Behavior: Empirical Evidence From Linked Employer-Employee Data

    In this paper, we study whether performance feedback can serve as an instrument for firms to increase employee retention. Feedback on the relative performance may affect individual job search behavior…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-046 // 2022

    Improving Efficiency and Equality in School Choice

    How should students be assigned to schools? Two mechanisms have been suggested and implemented around the world: deferred acceptance (DA) and top trading cycles (TTC). These two mechanisms are widely considered…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Information design in sequential procurement

    We analyze the problem of a buyer who chooses a supplier for a two-period production project. The buyer lacks the commitment not to renegotiate the contractual terms in the second period. The prospect…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Social Norms, Sanctions, and Conditional Entry in Markets with Externalities: Evidence from an Artefactual Field Experiment

    In an artefactual field experiment with a large and heterogeneous non-student population sample, we test the implications of social norms for market interactions associated with negative real- …