Digitalisierung mittelständischer Unternehmen in Sachsen
Digitalisierung mittelständischer Unternehmen in Sachsen
Over the years, the importance of digitalization has been increasingly accelerating and influencing production, business processes as well as the creation of new business models. Consequently, it is expected that digitalization will change existing value chains and business models fundamentally. A successful processdigital transformation is perceived as highly important for the securing of long-term prosperity and growth. In the long-term, also small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will have to approach this task. This project evaluates selected indicators of the study “Digitalization in the Mid-Sized Sector: Status Quo, Current Developments and Challenges”, which was conducted in collaboration with the infas Institute for Applied Social Science, for the State of Saxony. The aim of the study is to investigate the status quo of digitalization among SMEs in Saxony, as well as implications of the ongoing digitalization. The study is based on data of the ZEW ICT Survey 2015 as well as the Additional Survey of 2015/16.