Exploring the Roots of Migration: An Intergenerational Analysis of Opportunities Maximization and Public Goods

Exploring the Roots of Migration: An Intergenerational Analysis of Opportunities Maximization and Public Goods

Period: 01.10.2023 – 31.12.2026

This project aims to contribute to the literature on the economics of migration and human capital formation by analysing an administrative dataset of over four million Italian emigrants worldwide. 

The project investigates how migration decisions influence long-term outcomes in destination countries, for example migrants children’s education and labour market opportunities, and what factors initially drove these migration decisions. The project will use advanced microeconometric methods to isolate the causal impact of migration on various outcomes. 

Key objectives include quantifying the monetary and non-monetary returns of migration and dissecting the role of public goods in migration decisions. The project will explore whether migrants choose destinations based on factors like education, healthcare, and environmental quality rather than just monetary benefits. 

By comparing the outcomes of migrants to those who stayed in their origin countries, the project seeks to provide insights into the relative advantages of migration. It will also consider the impact of migration networks and local characteristics in the destination country on these outcomes. The project aims to inform policy by investigating the complex dynamics of migration and its long-term consequences.

Project members

Guido Neidhöfer

Guido Neidhöfer

Project Coordinator
Senior Researcher

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Chiara Malavasi

Chiara Malavasi


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Pablo Zarate

Pablo Zarate


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