Science and Technology Research in a Knowledge-based Economy (STRIKE)

Science and Technology Research in a Knowledge-based Economy (STRIKE)



Period: 01.10.2007 – 30.09.2011

STRIKE is a European-wide research network in innovation economics that brings together researchers from 21 European countries.The main objective of the network is to improve our understanding of the process of scientific and technological development and of the transfer of scientific and technological developments to markets and into economic development. Furthermore, the network will improve the collection, harmonization and provision of micro data and will develop policy recommendation in the area of science and technology research. The network focuses on research in four broad areas:

  • Science, technology and knowledge creation
  • Diffusion of science and technology
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Development of markets

STRIKE facilitates discussion and the exchange of ideas. It supports the organization of workshop and conferences at which established and young researchers present their work. The short-term exchange of researchers between participating institutions is also supported. A summer school for young researchers is planned for the year 2009.Further information about the network and the participating institutions can be found here.

Project members

Georg Licht

Georg Licht

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

To the profile
Birgit Aschhoff

Birgit Aschhoff

Senior Researcher

To the profile
Christian Rammer

Christian Rammer


To the profile
Elisabeth Müller

Elisabeth Müller

Research Associate

To the profile
COST, Brüssel, BE


Georg Licht
Research Associate
Dr. Georg Licht
To the profile