Transport Market Indicator from Prognos/ZEW

Transport Market Indicator from Prognos/ZEW

Period: 01.09.1998 – 30.06.2016

In 1998 Prognos (Basle), formerly ProgTrans AG, and ZEW (Mannheim) developed a kind of economic indicator for the transport industry. The panel comprised of approx. 300 selected experts from the transport industry as well as from the producing and manufacturing industry in Germany. This selection of experts guaranteed a high expertise and it was a fundament to obtain broadly supported and high-quality assessments for the development of the most important transport markets. After having successfully concluded this test phase, it was decided to continue these surveys as regular interviews for an indefinite period of time. Since 1999, the experts of the panel were asked to state their short-term expectations concerning the development of the transport prices and volumes in seven transport markets four times a year. In recognition of their participation the experts received all the findings immediately after they have been analysed. Interested experts from the transport, producing and manufacturing industries were always welcome to participate in the surveys.Publication Transport Market Barometer prognos/ZEW

Project members

Kathrine von Graevenitz

Kathrine von Graevenitz

Project Coordinator

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Martin Kesternich

Martin Kesternich

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

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Cooperation partner


Martin Kesternich
Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Martin Kesternich
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