
  1. Opinion // 30.05.2017

    Macron Must Revitalise French Economy

    The majority of French voters rejected Marine Le Pen, the right-wing presidential candidate from the populist party Front National. Emmanuel Macron, the former economy minister under President François…
  2. Questions & Answers // 26.05.2017

    The Road Will Become More Competitively Viable than Rail, Air and Water Transport

    There's a revolution brewing on Germany's roads: In the not too distant future, cars could be controlled exclusively by computers. Today there are already a number of vehicles on Germany's roads which are able…
  3. Research // 25.04.2017

    Digital Tax Index 2017: Germany Lagging Behind in International Rankings

    As the process of digitalisation advances at a rapid rate all over the world, how attractive a location is for investments in digital business models depends on the tax framework of the country in question.…
  4. Opinion // 25.04.2017

    Europe's Strength Lies in Its Diversity

    60 years ago in Rome, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed a treaty establishing both the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community. Following on…