In 2009 German policymakers ratified a constitutional amendment to limit new debt creation. The "debt brake" provisions that were adopted stipulate that all German states must have balanced budgets by 2020. The…
Professor of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Francis Greene, PhD, from the University of Birmingham, UK, was visiting researcher at ZEW's Research Department "Industrial Economics and International…
Dr. Yu Shen, postdoc researcher from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, was visiting researcher at ZEW’s Research Department "International Finance and Financial Management" from May 8-22, 2013. His main…
The taxation of multinational companies is not a topic suited for soapbox platitudes. It is simply too complex. Yet politicians continue to make it a subject of public debate. The governments of France,…
Each additional year of school, vocational training, or university education pays off, leading on average to hourly earnings six per cent higher in one's later professional life. PD Dr. Friedhelm Pfeiffer, an…
Today, the Centre for European Economic Research, Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI), Forschungszentrum Familienbewusste Personalpolitik (Munster) as well as the universities of Cologne and…