
  1. SEEK // 28.05.2014

    Invitation to the 2014 ZEW Economic Forum: China as a Technological Superpower – Dream or Reality?

    Since the start of the new millennium, China has been one of the big players in globalisation. What challenges does the German economy face as a result of the increasing competitiveness of Chinese firms in the…
  2. Opinion // 09.05.2014

    It Certainly Could Be a Bit More!

    "Bracket creep" is one of those dry topics that might well be of interest only to tax experts and economists. It refers to the increased tax burden that results when tax rates are not adjusted to reflect…
  3. Questions & Answers // 09.05.2014

    Innovation in Germany - In Germany, Large Businesses Innovate Most

    Each year, the German economy spends more money on innovation than it did in the preceding twelve months. But most of that money stems from large enterprises with more than 500 employees. ZEW economist…