
  1. Research // 26.11.2015

    Latest Monitoring Report: Germany’s Cultural and Creative Industries Continue to Grow

    The number of workers liable to social security contributions in Germany’s cultural and creative industries rose by 2.3 per cent in 2014. Total revenue, the number of companies, number of employees and value…
  2. Opinion // 25.11.2015

    A System for Monitoring Emissions Is Essential

    At the beginning of December, the nations of the world meet in Paris for the 2015 UN Climate Conference. The ultimate goal of the summit is to sign an agreement that will curb CO2 emissions and limit the…
  3. ZEW Lunch Debate in Brussels // 13.11.2015

    ZEW Lunch Debate in Brussels Addresses 21st UN Climate Change Conference

    This year from late November until mid-December, 195 countries will meet for the 21st time at the United Nations (UN) climate negotiating table in Paris, aiming to replace the Kyoto Protocol by a new global…
  4. Guests at ZEW // 26.10.2015

    Bee-Yan Aw-Roberts, PhD, Visiting Researcher at ZEW

    Bee-Yan Aw-Roberts, PhD, was a visiting researcher in ZEW's Research Department "Industrial Economics and International Management" from September 30 to October 23, 2015. She is Professor of Economics and Asian…