Jan Sauermann, PhD, is a visiting researcher in ZEW's Research Department "Information and Communication Technologies" from April 13 to 29, 2016. He is Assistant Professor at the Swedish Institute for Social…
Dr Philipp Dörrenberg, Senior Researcher in the Research Group “International Distribution and Redistribution” at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), received the Best Paper Award at the 21st…
The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the Research Center for Technological Innovation (RCTI) at Tsinghua University are pleased to announce the workshop "From Europe to China: Exploring New…
Professor Christoph Breunig was a visiting researcher in ZEW's Research Department "Information and Communication Technologies” from March 21 to 23, 2016. He is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Humboldt…
Claims of increasing inequality are constantly making the headlines. In response to such claims, many are calling for the "rich" to be subject to higher levels of taxation and for further development of a…