The closing workshop of SEEK project "Competitiveness Impacts in a World with Uneven Carbon Constraints" took place in Dublin on September 11, 2013. ZEW researchers Dr. Michael Hübler and Dr. Oliver Schenker…
The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Brussels-based Think Tank Bruegel, the Financial Risk and Stability Network, and the Institute for Banking and Capital Market Law at Humboldt-University host the…
The new federal government will be facing major economic policy challenges over the coming legislative period. On this occasion, ZEW researchers developed recommendations for an economic policy agenda in the…
The German electricity market is at a turning point. Electricity from renewable energy sources is gradually replacing electricity generated conventionally. Although the existing market organisation effectively…
It is paradoxical. If we are to believe the opinion pollsters, then the poor election results for Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Greens are payback, at least in part, for their unpopular plans…
Dr. Andreas Pollak is visiting researcher at ZEW's Research Department "Labour Markets, Human Resources and Social Policy" from September to December 2013. He is Associate Professor at the Department of…
The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim and the Knowledge Media Research Centre (KMRC) in Tübingen jointly host a workshop on Wikipedia and the network analysis of large social or content…
ZEW President Prof. Clemens Fuest has been appointed to the advisory board of the German Stability Council. The Stability Council monitors the budgetary management of German federal and state governments in…
Professor Robert Feinberg, PhD, was visiting researcher at ZEW's Research Group "Competition and Regulation" from September 18-19, 2013.
He serves as Economics Department Chair at American University in…