Joint, Venture, Capital – Cannabis and Economy


Nicolas Ziebarth Featured on ZEW Podcast

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Ziebarth lived in the USA for a long time and is familiar with cannabis legalisation in both the USA and Germany.

Since 1 April 2024, it’s “high life” for cannabis consumers in Germany, as on that day, the Cannabis Act (CanG) came into force, legalising the drug. However, cannabis consumption is more strictly regulated than other legal drugs. Starting from 1 July 2024, acquisition will be regulated through cultivation associations (“Cannabis Social Clubs”). Professor Nicolas Ziebarth, head of ZEW’s “Labour Markets and Social Insurance” Unit, explains why this is a “stimulus package for dealers” in the new ZEW podcast episode. Additionally, he and podcast host Bastian Thüne discuss the billion-dollar cannabis market in the USA, the health consequences of consuming legal drugs and why cannabis use reduced the suicide rate in the USA.


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