Latest Press Releases

  1. Conferences // 21.10.2004

    Symposium on International Corporate Taxation in Compliment to Professor Jacobs (22.10.2014)

    On the occasion of Professor Otto H. Jacobs's 65th birthday, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the University of Mannheim will stage a scientific symposium entitled "Die internationale…
  2. Research // 20.10.2004

    Service Providers in the Information Economy Look to the Future with Confidence

    Service providers in the information economy are looking towards the coming quarter with confidence. This is reflected in the renewed increase in the ZEW-IDI sub-indicator for business expectations, which, with…
  3. Research // 12.10.2004

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment October 2004 - Increasing Pessimism Among Experts

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany decreases by 7.1 points in October. The indicator now stands at 31.3 points compared with +38.4 points in September. Hence, it lies below its historical…
  4. Personnel // 11.10.2004

    ZEW Co-founder and Member of Supervisory Board Professor Jacobs Celebrates his 65th Birthday

    On 12th October 2004, Prof Dr Dr h. c. mult. Otto H. Jacobs celebrates his 65th birthday.
  5. Research // 07.10.2004

    New ZEW Online Taxation Platform

    As a new element of its homepage the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim, Germany, has set up a comprehensive taxation platform at:
  6. Research // 06.10.2004

    Research Funding in Europe - Promising Collaborations

    ZEW Study: Governmental incentives for the funding of R&D projects are often more successful than expected. Linking governmental subsidies to the cooperativeness of the subsidised companies has a positive…
  7. Research // 14.09.2004

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment September 2004 - Optimism Continues to Fade Away

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany decreased by 6.9 points in September. The indicator now stands at 38.4 points. Although this value represents a further decline compared to +45.3 points in…
  8. Research // 13.09.2004

    ZEW/ProgTrans Survey on Transport Markets – Truck Toll, Rising Fuel Costs and EU Eastward Enlargement Cause Uncertainty

    In the third quarter of 2004, uncertainty prevails on German and cross-border transport markets. This is due to the sharp increase in fuel prices, the imminent second attempt at introducing a truck toll in…
  9. Research // 02.09.2004

    ZEW-Energy Market Barometer - Experts Expect Emissions Price Below Ten Euro

    Not many enterprises will have to bear a great burden from the European emissions trading system. More than 80 percent of the participants of an expert survey conducted by the Centre for European Economic…