We create a database of officials who have been found guilty of corruption in China in the period 2012-21 with their personal characteristics and the amount of embezzled funds. We use it to investigate the…
This paper provides the first in-depth investigation into the evolution of the wealth gap between CCP and non-CCP households in urban China from 1995 to 2017. We apply unconditional quantile regression to…
The R&D policy instrument mix concept has become increasingly important for understanding how public R&D support drives firm-level R&D. To-date, empirical studies have conceptualised the R&D policy instrument…
This research explores the nonlinear interactions among multidimensional proximities, including geographical, cognitive, organizational, institutional, social, and technological aspects, and their impact on…
We study the cyclicality of public R&D in 29 OECD countries over the period 1995 to 2019. Public R&D is procyclical on average, and mostly driven by adjustments in public R&D aimed at the government and higher…
This paper studies the welfare effects of school district consolidation. Using incomplete rank-ordered lists (ROLs) submitted for admission to the Hungarian secondary school system, we estimate complete ROLs…
We study the regional economics of mineral resource activity in Africa. Using geocoded data on mine openings and closures in Africa, we document that mining regions experience local economic booms while a mine…