1. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2013

    March 2013

    • Economic Outlook for Switzerland: 32-Month High
    • Current Economic Situation: Stable Assessment
    • Inflation Expectations: Gradually Rising
    • Interest Rates: Creeping up
    • Stock Market: Expectations Broadly Unchanged
    • Swiss…
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-009 // 2013

    Competitive Procurement Design: Evidence from Regional Passenger Railway Services in Germany

    A major reform of the German regional passenger railway services was established with the so called Regionalisierungsgesetz in 1996. As a consequence, regional passenger railway services have been procured by…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-008 // 2013

    How Can Pure Social Discounting be Ethically Justified?

    The evaluation of long-term eects of climate change in cost-benet analysis has a long tradition in environmental economics. Since the publication of the Stern Review in 2006 the debate about the "appropriate"…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2013

    On the Power of Childhood Impressions for Skill Formation - Initial Evidence and Unsettled Questions

    Manifold childhood impressions result from the interactions with adult caregivers and the environment. These impressions, be they beneficial or detrimental, shape individual skill formation and achievement over…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2013

    Quasi-hyperbolic Time Preferences and Their Intergenerational Transmission

    This study explores the intergenerational transmission of time preferences and focuses on the question which specific aspects of mother’s time preference are related to her preschool child’s ability to delay…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-007 // 2013

    Modeling Technological Change in Economic Models of Climate Change: A Survey

    The assessment of climate change mitigation policies mainly depends on three not mutually exclusive modeling decisions: First, the chosen discount rate, since costs are incurred today and long-term benefits…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-006 // 2013

    Revealed Preferences for Climate Protection when the Purely Individual Perspective is Relaxed - Evidence from a Framed Field Experiment

    Since the problem of climate change has drawn attention both in political and academic agenda, the question of how much people are willing to pay for the mitigation of global warming has been a subject of keen…