As part of a cooperative project with KfW Bankengruppe, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is conducting a market survey among participants and experts of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. The goal…
This paper analyzes how high-ability students respond to different indicators of university quality when applying for a university. Are prospective students influenced by quality indicators of a university…
In the business year 2011, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) was able to significantly increase its overall returns by approx. 2.6 million euros to 18.2 million euros. In particular third-party…
The ongoing economic criticism of the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) recently started focusing on distributional effects, too. A team of authors at the Cologne Institute for Economic Research is worried about…
One of grand challenges which are faced by Russia today is to deregulate its gas market while favouring longer-term growth of economy. From the mid-2000s onwards, the key component of the reforms has become…