Obtaining indicators on the innovation activities of firms has been a challenge in economic research for a long time. The most frequently used indicators - R&D expenditures and patents - provide an incomplete…
Monitoring progress towards environmental sustainability requires measurement of eco-innovation and outcomes, as determined by the absolute level of air, soil and water pollutants. In addition to the OECD…
Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings
This chapter presents the Mannheim Innovation Panel (MIP), which is the German part of the Community Innovation Surveys (CIS). Differently to most national CIS, the MIP is an annual survey based on a panel…
A key issue in strategic management in the public sector is how government creates economic and social value through procurement. Unfortunately, most procurement studies are based on contract theories, which…
Homeownership rates differ widely across European countries. We document that part of this variation is driven by differences in the fraction of adults co-residing with their parents. Comparing Germany and…
Despite some advantages over traditional (offline) labour markets – such as lower search costs, better matching and improved monitoring – online labour markets (OLMs) have not taken off as initially expected. In…
I study the impact of subsidies for Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) on carbon emissions. I show that subsidizing innovations without considering consumer behavior can harm the environment. I provide descriptive…