Immigrant-native wage differentials are observed in many countries, so in Germany. However, the available empirical literature for Germany defined the groups in consideration, immigrants and natives, by…
This book offers the reader a state-of-the-art overview on theory and empirics of business cycle synchronisation, structural reform and economic integration. Focusing on the ongoing integration process in the…
Regional economies significantly diverge in their exposure as well as their capacity to adapt to climate change and variability. Between 1984 and 2004, if measured in percent GDP, costs of climate impacts were…
The objective of this study is the economic analysis of the Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050, recently published by the EU Commission. The Decarbonisation Roadmap is the latest strategy to make the decarbonisation…
User-generated content has proved to be a cheap and surprisingly accurate source of information. Still, little is known about how its producers select the content to which they contribute and how platform…
We introduce endogenous directed technical change into integrated multi-region policy assessment based on macroeconomic theory and evidence. Technical progress can be directed towards labor or energy savings.…
The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the most important European instrument for climate protection and in Germany covers about half of CO2 emissions. Since 2009 the KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer has been…