The logit-mixed logit (LML) model is a very recent advancement in semiparametric discrete choice models. LML represents the mixing distribution of a logit kernel as a sieve function (polynomials, step…
The logit-mixed logit (LML) model, which allows the analyst to semi-parametrically specify the mixing distribution of preference heterogeneity, is a very recent advancement in logit-type choice models. In…
Access to financial resources is crucial for young firms to strive. To foster innovation and growth in these firms, governments address financing constraints by initiating public support programs. For such…
We investigate the impact that two German energy reforms—phase-out of nuclear power plants after the Fukushima incident and expansion of renewables due to fixed feed-in tariffs—had on neighbouring countries’…
We use a dataset of 615 firms which participated in 114 illegal cartels – convicted by the European Commission between 1999 and 2016 – to investigate the determinants of the duration of a firm’s…
We examine the involvement of firms in scientific research and its implications for valuation in the context of the US semiconductor industry. We specifically compare design-oriented fabless firms to …
The project was financially supported by the State Government of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, through the research program Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies (SEEK).…
In developing countries, a large share of employees work informally and are not covered by employment protection legislation. I study how gender inequality differs across formal and informal wage-earners in…
Two years after the deregulation of the German interurban bus industry in January 2013, two new entrants emerged as industry leaders: MeinFernbus (MFB) and FlixBus (FB). We use a comprehensive route-level data…
This article analyses the effects of public R&D subsidies on R&D input and output of German firms. We distinguish between the direct impact of subsidies on R&D investment and the indirect effect on innovation…
We develop a behavioural framework of bounded rational decision-making under uncertainty to analyse the role of technological dynamism in the firm’s environment for its decision to internationalise innovation.…
We experimentally test different rule-based contribution mechanisms in a repeated 4-player public goods game with endowment heterogeneity and compare them to a VCM, distinguishing between a random and an…