The business year 2017 saw a critical decision being made with respect to the future trajectory of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. The institute may now embark on a strategic…
Cum/Ex-Geschäfte mit Leerverkauf bezweckten eine mehrfacheErstattung von nur einmal gezahlter Kapitalertragsteuer. Daswar illegal und ist mittlerweile Gegenstand zahlreicher staats-anwaltschaftlicher…
Climate change already has widespread impacts on society, including the performance of stock markets. Previous studies have focused on how financial markets react to natural disasters such as extreme weather…
The uncertainty and robustness of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models can be assessed by conducting a Systematic Sensitivity Analysis (SSA). Different methods have been used in the literature for SSA of…
In this experiment, we test whether subjects’ responses to variations in the action set in a dictator game depends on induced group identities. The action set includes choices in which the dictator can either…