Drawing on a longitudinal database of Belgian firms over the years 2014-2020, this study investigates the joint effect of R&D grants and R&D tax credits on R&D inputs and innovation outputs. We estimate…
Im September 2023 stellte die CDU das Konzept der „Aktiv-Rente“ vor. Die Idee dahinter ist, den Arbeitsverdienst von Rentnerinnen und Rentnern, die neben dem Bezug einer gesetzlichen Rente eine bezahlte…
Towards the end of 2023, the German Federal Government introduced the Kindergrundsicherung (basic child benefits) into the legislative process. This short article addresses some economic aspects of the reform.…
This paper shows that nineteenth-century industrialization is an essential determinant of the pronounced changes in economic prosperity across German regions over the last 100 years. Using novel data on economic…
Germany has become the second-most important destination for migrants worldwide. Using all waves from the microcensus, we study their labour market integration over the last 50 years and highlight differences to…
Though the use of tracking policies to stratify students is commonplace, evidence concerning the effects of ability-based tracking on student performance is mixed. Using rich data from the Hungarian secondary…
After the beginning of the war in Ukraine, energy prices in Germany increased drastically. The paper analyses responses of German firms to this energy price shock. A variety of measures and reactions at the…
The recent enactment of Directive 2021/2101 by the EU introduces a public Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) regime, with the aim of promoting a level playing field for businesses operating within the EU Single…
We explore which start-ups win in public procurement. Most notably, our analysis presents significant differences between firms applying for tenders with and without functional criteria. First, we use…