Focus on the Introduction of Renewable Energies

Focus on the Introduction of Renewable Energies


Preussenelektra AG

Period: 01.08. – 31.12.1996

The project was conducted with the goal of preparing a valid policy outline capable of producing consensus with respect to the promotion of renewables in the energy industry. A bidding model based on the non-fossil fuel obligation implemented in the UK is a favoured choice in this respect. In this scheme with fixed annual volumes of electricity to be generated from renewables, the lowest bidder is awarded the respective entitlements. In order to establish long-term perspectives for CO2 emissions abatement, eligibility is confined by upper and lower bounds with respect to the technologies employed. In addition, upper limits for production costs are planned. A first assessment showed that regarding electricity prices for private and public households an increase of about one cent per kWh would be sufficient to finance a 6% increase in renewables.

Project members

Dr. Helmuth-Michael Groscurth

Dr. Helmuth-Michael Groscurth

Project Coordinator

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Preussenelektra AG, Hannover, DE


Dr. Helmuth-Michael Groscurth
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