Gender segregation within organizations: The impact of firm characteristics and human resource measures to foster equal opportunities

Gender segregation within organizations: The impact of firm characteristics and human resource measures to foster equal opportunities

Period: 01.10.2006 – 30.09.2008

In Germany, about 45 percentage of all employees are women. However, only one third of all skilled employees and executive managers are females and only one of ten jobs in the highest hierarchy level in the private sector are fulfilled by women. These figures document the vertical occupational segregation of male and female employees in the German labour market. While most of the previous studies on segregation focus on measuring the occupational segregation, current analyzes point out the relationship between segregation and the design of human resource and organizational policies within firms. So far, our knowledge on the relationship between the internal organization in German establishments and the unequal allocation of male and female employees on occupations and professions is based on very few expertises. The aim of this project is to analyse the firm-specific sources of horizontal and vertical segregation in Germany. Our empirical analyzes base on linked employer employee data for Germany (LIAB).

Project members

Elke Wolf

Elke Wolf

Project Coordinator

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Miriam Beblo

Miriam Beblo

Project Coordinator
Senior Researcher

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Wolfgang Franz

Wolfgang Franz

Project Coordinator
Former President

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Previous Projects

Gender inequality within organizations: The impact of human resource policies, other firm characteristics and the institutional framework on the gender wage gap within organizations

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