High-Growth Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and the Transformation of the Economy

High-Growth Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and the Transformation of the Economy


Leibniz Association

Period: 01.06.2024 – 31.05.2027

Transformative innovation is fundamentally disruptive leading to reallocation, productivity growth, and growing standards of living. Entrepreneurial firms are believed to be at the heart of this process by introducing new ideas, products, and services that displace those offered by less innovative firms. This creative-destruction process underlies business dynamism in modern market economies. However, entrepreneurship and business dynamism are in decline in the US and Europe with potentially broad implications for innovation, productivity growth, and well-being. The arising key question is which industrial policies allow to achieve sustainable competitiveness. In this research project, which will be conducted as a Leibniz collaboration between the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) and ZEW, we propose a program to study the conditions, determinants, and implications of innovative high-growth entrepreneurship in Germany.

Project members

Enrico De Monte

Enrico De Monte

Project Coordinator
Advanced Researcher

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Elisa Rodepeter

Elisa Rodepeter


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Eline Schoonjans

Eline Schoonjans


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Lena Füner

Lena Füner


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Lion Holste

Lion Holste


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Simona Murmann

Simona Murmann

Academic Assistant to the Head of Research Department

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Sandra Gottschalk

Sandra Gottschalk

Senior Researcher

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Thorsten Doherr

Thorsten Doherr


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Leibniz Association, Berlin, DE
Cooperation partner