Publications of the Research Unit Pensions and Sustainable Financial Markets

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-097 // 2013

    The German Labour Market Reforms in a European Context: A DSGE Analysis

    While a widespread consensus exists among macroeconomists that the German labour market reforms in 2003-2005 have successfully contributed to the decline of the unemployment rate, critics claim that the reforms…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-094 // 2013

    Sources of Value Creation Through Private Equity-backed Mergers and Acquisitions: The Case of Buy-and-Build Strategies

    Private equity (PE) firms have long time emphasized their role as investors who create value in their portfolio companies. In this paper we analyze a key strategy of PE investors, the so-called buy-and-build…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-076 // 2013

    Finding Starting-Values for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Vector STAR Models

    This paper focuses on finding starting-values for maximum likelihood estimation of Vector STAR models. Based on a Monte Carlo exercise, different procedures are evaluated. Their performance is assessed w.r.t.…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-071 // 2013

    Asset Pricing without Garbage

    This paper provides an explanation of why garbage as a measure of consumption implies a several times lower coefficient of relative risk aversion in the consumptionbased asset pricing model than consumption…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-068 // 2013

    Financial Sector and Output Dynamics in the Euro Area: Non-linearities Reconsidered

    The financial and economic crisis has stressed the need for a better understanding of destabilizing effects, in particular arising from the financial sector, and how these may spill over to economic activity. In…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-067 // 2013

    Offshoring and Relative Labor Demand from a Task Perspective

    Since trade is becoming more of a task-related phenomenon due to the increase in offshoring activities by firms, the pattern of effects across workers is changing as well. In particular, the skill-based…

  7. ZEWnews English edition // 2013

    07/08 - 2013

  8. Discussion and Working Paper // 2013

    Does Foreign Direct Investment Synchronise Business Cycles? Results from a Panel Approach

    A considerable degree of business cycle synchronization is key to a successful operating currency union. The European Monetary Union as well as many other countries strives to attract foreign direct investment…

Further Publications

ZEW Financial Market Survey

German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI Report)