ZEW ICT Survey: Diffusion and Use of Information and Communication Technologies

ZEW ICT Survey: Diffusion and Use of Information and Communication Technologies

Period: 01.01.2002 – 30.06.2015

Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) have strongly penetrated all business sectors in recent years. Furthermore, increasing digitalisation changes our economic activity and the way we participate in the working life. The ICT research department has been tracking this development by carrying out representative firm-level surveys. In 2002, the first wave of the so called ZEW ICT survey took place. Further surveys were conducted at irregular intervals in 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2014. About 4,500 German companies of the manufacturing industry and of selected service industries, which have at least five employees were interviewed at a time.The aim of the survey is to obtain a representative picture of the diffusion and use of information and communication technologies in German companies and to analyse the consequences of their use. The survey is an important database for various further projects of the ICT research department and is also used for the development of policy recommendations.Important results of the previous surveys are summarised in the respective ICT report:ICT Report 2015 (only available in German)ICT Report 2010 (only available in German)ICT Report 2007 (only available in German)ICT Report 2005 (only available in German)ICT Report 2003 (only available in German)

Project members

Jörg Ohnemus

Jörg Ohnemus

Project Coordinator

To the profile
Dr. Daniel Erdsiek

Dr. Daniel Erdsiek

Academic Assistant to the Head of Research Department / Senior Researcher

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Steffen Viete

Steffen Viete

Advanced Researcher

To the profile
Thomas Niebel

Thomas Niebel

Senior Researcher

To the profile

Selected Publications

Do Older Workers Lower IT-enabled Productivity? Firm-Level Evidence from Germany

Bertschek, Irene and Jenny Meyer (2009), Do Older Workers Lower IT-enabled Productivity? Firm-Level Evidence from Germany, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 229/2+3 , 327-342

New Technology, Work Organisation, and Innovation

Hempell, Thomas and Thomas Zwick (2008), New Technology, Work Organisation, and Innovation, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 17 (4) , 331-354

B2B or Not to Be: Does B2B E-Commerce Increase Labour Productivity?

Bertschek, Irene, Helmut Fryges and Ulrich Kaiser (2006), B2B or Not to Be: Does B2B E-Commerce Increase Labour Productivity?, International Journal of the Economics of Business Vol. 13, No. 3 , 387-405
