Dr. Daniel Erdsiek
Dr. Daniel Erdsiek
Digital Economy
Daniel Erdsiek has been working in ZEW’s Research Unit “Digital Economy” since June 2011. He studied economics at the University of Mannheim with a focus on econometrics and labour economics. He received his PhD in economics at Heidelberg University in 2016.
His research focuses on the question of how companies shape the digital transformation and what consequences this has for their productivity, innovation activity, and work organisation. Daniel Erdsiek is head of the quarterly Business Survey in the Information Sector, in which companies in Germany are asked about current digital topics. This survey is regularly used for research purposes as well as for evidence-based policy advice, for example on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. By conducting survey experiments, Daniel Erdsiek examines, for example, corporate decision-making processes with regard to the use of new digital technologies and flexible work organisations. He also supports Professor Irene Bertschek in her work for the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI).
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Contact information

Dr. Daniel Erdsiek
Academic Assistant to the Head of Research Department / Senior Researcher Email daniel.erdsiek@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-356-
Doctoral degree/PhD (12.2016),
Doctoral degree/habilitationUniversity of Heidelberg, Germany,
Thesis title: Essays on Overqualification, Work Organisation, and Technology: Empirical Evidence for Germany