Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ganglmair

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ganglmair

Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

Bernhard Ganglmair is head of ZEW’s Junior Research Group “Competition and Innovation” and professor of economics at the University of Mannheim. He is a board member of the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) and holds memberships in the steering group of the Competition Law and Economics European Network (CLEEN), the Standing Committee for Industrial Economics of the Verein für Socialpolitik, and the UK Innovation Research Caucus. He is also an associate editor at the International Journal of Industrial Organization and Economic Inquiry.

Bernhard's research covers a variety of topics related to technology standardization, innovation, contracts, and competition economics with a particular focus on strategic disclosure of private information. His methodological toolkit contains both theory and empirics (including text-as-data methods). He has published his work in leading journals such as the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Research Policy, the RAND Journal of Economics, or the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.

Before joining the ZEW Mannheim in 2019, Bernhard was an assistant professor of managerial economics at the University of Texas at Dallas. He has also taught at the University of Linz (Austria) and Northeastern University in Boston and has visited the University of Bologna, Haifa University, and Boston University as a visiting researcher. Bernhard holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Zurich (2011) and an undergraduate degree in business and economics from the University of Linz.

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