Dr. Dominik Rehse
Dr. Dominik Rehse
Digital Economy
Dominik Rehse is head of the Junior Research Group „Digital Market Design“. Previously, he worked at ZEW as an Advisor to the Board and as a Senior Researcher in ZEW‘s “International Finance and Financial Management” Unit. His current research primarily focusses on how digital platforms change the design of markets and institutions or create new ones (market design) and how they make use of algorithmic decision-making (machine learning in particular) for this purpose.
Contact information

Dr. Dominik Rehse
Deputy Email dominik.rehse@zew.de Phone + 49 (0)621 1235-378-
Beste wissenschaftliche Leistung, Forschungsarbeit // 2018
Prizes, Awards and DistinctionsZEW Sponsors' Association for Science and Practice, Mannheim, Germany