Thibault Cézanne
Thibault Cézanne
Pensions and Sustainable Financial Markets
Thibault Cézanne joined ZEW’s Research Unit “Pensions and Sustainable Financial Markets” in September 2020. His research interests lie on the areas of monetary policy, banking and financial intermediation. He is part of the team conducting the monthly ZEW Financial Market Survey.
Prior to joining ZEW, he was a research assistant at the Monetary Policy Research Division of the European Central Bank and at École polytechnique (under the supervision of Professor Isabelle Méjean). He studied economics and financial engineering (with a specialisation in quantitative finance) at Paris Dauphine University and economics at ENSAE Paris. Since September 2019, he has been a doctoral student in economics at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Studies (GESS) of the University of Mannheim, under the supervision of Professor Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden.